A couple weekends ago I had a post linking to Rocketry Planet about the top 100 teams being selected in the Team America Rocketry Challenge. The Rocketry Planet link has the TARC press release and the list of teams. Check it out; it's always cool to see how the local teams are doing.
The news is still coming in on TARC. RLV News has a video along with the press release. The video emphasizes not only the fun of the contest and the prizes, but also the advantage team nenbers will have when applying for college, and if they continue in an aerospace field and employment predictions based on demographics hold (always a bit iffy there), when applying for jobs.
The Mankato Free Press features a local winning team, and also has a number of TARC photos. I wonder if the team had a chance to go to the somewhat nearby National Association of Rocketry National Convention "NARCON 2008" or the associated sport launch?
Kansas City.com also features a local winning team, and they're looking for a better spot to do their testing in preparation for the big TARC finals on May 17 in The Plains, Virginia.
OC Rocketry, another one of the finalists, has a recently loaded YouTube video.