Today is the Team America Rocketry Challenge held in The Plains, Virginia. Spaceref has a press release about the Jacksonville Florida Challenger Learning Center participation in the event with 1 of the 100 finalist teams. In addition, they will be
providing astronaut training activities for all event guests and participating students from across the United States. Students will be able to take a ride in the Barany chair, a spinning chair used to help pilots and astronauts adjust to disorientation, and to try their hand at tossing a ball using special glasses that simulates what it might be like to work on the space station.
Update (May 17 evening): Here are the 2008 contest final results. Currently on the main TARC page:
A team from Enloe High School in Raleigh, North Carolina, won the national Sixth Annual Team America Rocketry Challenge Saturday, beating out 99 rivals for the title. The 10-member team rose to the top of squads of middle and high school-aged students facing off in the final round of the world's largest rocket competition held today outside of Washington, D.C.
"We saw it go up and it looked perfect and it was ideal," Enloe team Captain Levon Keusseyan said.