Automotive X Prize News: October 12th, 2008 - X PRIZE Cars blog - One of the entries this week is on Escape from Berkeley, which Wired Autopia describes as a madcap alt-fuel race that mashes up Mad Max and Cannonball Run with a touch of the Darpa Challenge and Burning Man. The goal is to see how we can move energy from a commodity culture to a hacker culture.
Avion & Kinetic Vehicles Triumph - X PRIZE Cars blog - The Escape from Berkeley concludes, among other news.
Bellingham man hopes to make history with 100 mpg car - (link from X PRIZE Foundation news) - more about the Avion
Elon Musk to expand role at Tesla Motors - RLV News
The Zayed Future Energy Prize - neXt PRIZE
EDF’s bizarre $10,000 contest: “What is a carbon cap and how will it cure our oil addiction?” - Climate Progress - and more: EDF’s and MIT’s magical thinking on carbon caps and oil - Climate Progress
The first 100-mpg car - Seattle Times (link from X PRIZE Foundation news) - This mainly covers the GM Volt.