Here are some Lunar Lander Challenge updates:
News and Things.. - Unreasonable Rocket
Masten Space engine test video - RLV News
Armadillo Aerospace update - RLV News
Pomerantz twitter points out the following: African Missions to the Moon and Mars. In addition to space, that discussion touched on the Healthcare X PRIZE, and another Pomerantz tweat(?) is about Health Value Messaging - The Single Sentence Statement from the Healthcare X PRIZE blog, where the crisp, easily explained goals of the space X PRIZEs are compared to the Healthcare one on health value.
There are a number of other posts at the Healthcare X PRIZE blog, including this one interviewing another well-known person in the space field: Health Innovators: Esther Dyson on improving "Health".
i2i Speaker Spotlight: Dwayne Spradlin, President and Chief Executive Officer, InnoCentive - I2I blog (open innovation/prize conference blog)
I've mentioned this before, but FYI InnoCentive has an active blog: Perspectives on Innovation.