Winners of Panoramio Contest of March 2010 - Panoramio's Blog
There are far too many posts and tweets from people in the space prize community on the successful Falcon 9 flight to cover here. I'll just give a small sample of tweets here:
@PTScientists: Congratulations #SpaceX for the first succesful launch of Falcon9 ! :-) It's an important day for the GoogleLunarX-Prize #glxp #space
@PeterDiamandis: Against all the odds, SpaceX has pulled off the 1st Falcon-9 flight. This will herald a new era of private launch at a much reduced cost!
@Way to go Spacex!!!!! - Unreasonable Rocket
@Eurospaceward: August 6-8. 2010, Japan University Futawa Campus, Japan SE Technology and Engineering Competition JSETEC regulations up at http://jsea.jp/
@glxp: Are you 10-17 yrs old? Share your vision of future human space exploration in this art competition: http://bit.ly/drPLu9 (via @lealem)
@TeamPrometheus: I posted 28 photos on Facebook in the album "Ah oh what's this?" http://bit.ly/9OITul
@Doug_Comstock: Discussing technical objectives of next Centennial Challenge prize competitions at NASA HQ today, plan to announce 3 new competitions soon.
Armadillo - 2000ft boosted hop, engine shutdown/restart, safe landing - RLV News
Some Data - Unreasonable Rocket:
As I've said several times this year, I currently have more rocket time than rocket $, I can continue to do interesting things with my leftover LLC hardware, but it does not match the far end goal. The far end goal is a 100Km 5Kg payload rocket that is reusable and can be reproduced for less than 10K.
Google Lunar X PRIZE Roundup #20 - Luna C/I: Moon Colonization and Integration
Google Lunar X PRIZE Roundup #21 - Luna C/I: Moon Colonization and Integration
8 Scientists Share $3 Million in Prizes - The New York Times covers this year's winners of the Kavli Prize, including the one in astrophysics.
This is from a few weeks ago: Google announces the winner of their "Model Your Town" competition - Google Earth Blog
The 2010 Annual Texas CanSat Competition is scheduled for June 11 - 13 in Amarillo, Texas.
Cansat 2010 preliminary design - Student Space Programs Laboratory
According to POTROCS,
The CANSAT event this year will be an non rocket event. The CANSAT's will be dropped from a helicopter. This change is necessary because of the wheat harvest in the Wayside area.
Team Phoenicia keeps up its recent surge in posts with pictures:
Material Science Testing
How to Get Purty (part 8)
How to Get Purty (part 7)
How to Get to Purty (part 6)
There are far too many posts and tweets from people in the space prize community on the successful Falcon 9 flight to cover here. I'll just give a small sample of tweets here:
@PTScientists: Congratulations #SpaceX for the first succesful launch of Falcon9 ! :-) It's an important day for the GoogleLunarX-Prize #glxp #space
@PeterDiamandis: Against all the odds, SpaceX has pulled off the 1st Falcon-9 flight. This will herald a new era of private launch at a much reduced cost!
@Way to go Spacex!!!!! - Unreasonable Rocket
@Eurospaceward: August 6-8. 2010, Japan University Futawa Campus, Japan SE Technology and Engineering Competition JSETEC regulations up at http://jsea.jp/
@glxp: Are you 10-17 yrs old? Share your vision of future human space exploration in this art competition: http://bit.ly/drPLu9 (via @lealem)
@TeamPrometheus: I posted 28 photos on Facebook in the album "Ah oh what's this?" http://bit.ly/9OITul
@Doug_Comstock: Discussing technical objectives of next Centennial Challenge prize competitions at NASA HQ today, plan to announce 3 new competitions soon.
Armadillo - 2000ft boosted hop, engine shutdown/restart, safe landing - RLV News
Some Data - Unreasonable Rocket:
As I've said several times this year, I currently have more rocket time than rocket $, I can continue to do interesting things with my leftover LLC hardware, but it does not match the far end goal. The far end goal is a 100Km 5Kg payload rocket that is reusable and can be reproduced for less than 10K.
Google Lunar X PRIZE Roundup #20 - Luna C/I: Moon Colonization and Integration
Google Lunar X PRIZE Roundup #21 - Luna C/I: Moon Colonization and Integration
8 Scientists Share $3 Million in Prizes - The New York Times covers this year's winners of the Kavli Prize, including the one in astrophysics.
This is from a few weeks ago: Google announces the winner of their "Model Your Town" competition - Google Earth Blog
The 2010 Annual Texas CanSat Competition is scheduled for June 11 - 13 in Amarillo, Texas.
Cansat 2010 preliminary design - Student Space Programs Laboratory
According to POTROCS,
The CANSAT event this year will be an non rocket event. The CANSAT's will be dropped from a helicopter. This change is necessary because of the wheat harvest in the Wayside area.
Team Phoenicia keeps up its recent surge in posts with pictures:
Material Science Testing
How to Get Purty (part 8)
How to Get Purty (part 7)
How to Get to Purty (part 6)