NASA Invites Reporters To Second Annual Lunabotics Competition - NASA press release
Here's the Lunabotics Facebook page: ESMD Lunar Regolith Excavator Competition. You can see quite a bit about some of the teams on the Wall page, and there's also a lot of information about other aspects of the competition like last year's event, a Senior Design Course based on the challenge, and more. There's also a Lunabotics twitter account, but that hasn't been active lately. That might change as the competition approaches; it's worth a try to check it out then.
There's also a Lunabotics YouTube Channel with video from last year's event, and also some new content.
Now for the teams! There are quite a few teams, and many of them have been showing their progress on YouTube and other sites.
Temple University Lunabotics 2011:
Colorado School of Mines:
University of North Dakota Robotics:
Harvard Lunabotics 2011 (see quite a few more at their YouTube channel):
Oakton Community College 2011 Lunabotics:
LAR-E (Lunar All-terrain Regolith Excavator) from Embry Riddle Aeronautical University, Prescott (also see the article Lunabotics & LAR-E: Mechanical Engineering Senior Robotics Design):
Embry Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona:
University of Louisville (It looks like this is for a capstone class with a Lunabotics theme, as I don't see the school in the Lunabotics teams list):
UNC Charlotte:
Chondrobot, BRAC University:
Universidad de Los Andes:
Alabama Lunabotics (Also see the Alabama Lunabotics twitter account):
University of Southern Indiana, Lunar Ash Borers:
Here are some other articles, team sites, and other links related to the competition:
McGill LunarEx - team site from McGill University
West Virginia University Lunabotics - This Facebook page has plenty of videos and photos from the team.
McBride-inspired WVU team to compete in Lunabotics Mining competition - WVU Today
Robot to work on the moon : novel creation by WVU students - Gizmo Watch
ISU Lunabotics - Ames, Iowa - Here's another team Facebook page. They expect to put recent pictures up soon.
UND NASA Lunabotics Mining Competition 2010-2011 - University of North Dakota team site, including photos.
Vizag team hopes to mine lunar surface - Deccan Chronicle
Lunabotics Mining Competition - Team site for The Robotics Association at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
NASA’s Lunabotics 2011 – Symbiosis Sponsors Indian team - Symbiosis Coaching
Engineers to take robot to NASA competition - Collegiate Times, Virginia Tech
NASAMICI is already looking ahead to the 2012 competition, and how Minority Serving Institutions can try to get a $5,000 grant for that event.