Team America Rocketry Challenge Celebrating Ten Years - Team America Rocketry Challenge - This year's finals for TARC will be held this Saturday, May 12, in The Plains, VA.
TARC Update: If you can't make it to the event, you can use twitter hash tag #TARC12 to follow it. The @RocketContest twitter account will likely have updates.
2012 Google Model Your Town Competition - Google SketchUp - The winning team for this year's competition using the modelling tool often integrated with Google Earth will be announced on May 15. It's not clear whether this competition will be continued in future years, as Google SketchUp will become part of Trimble, well-known for its GPS products.
Space Foundation Student Art Contest Winning Artwork Bounces Off the Moon - SpaceRef
Glasgow school wins 70cm CanSat launch competition - Southgate Amateur Radio News
Stanley Schmidt Wins 2012 Robert A. Heinlein Award - Science Fiction Awards Watch - This award is not to be confused with the Heinlein Prize managed by the Heinlein Prize Trust or the National Space Society's Heinlein Award. This one is for
outstanding published works in science fiction and technical writings that inspire the human exploration of space.
It's also good to see that Science Fiction Awards Watch is back in
action, as the original owners were no longer able to maintain the site and it
was offline for a while.
Citizen Science Challenge to be unveiled at Maker Faire - RLV News - This in on May 19, which may be a busy day in the space field if schedules hold.
One man's path to space goes through Seattle's Space Needle - Cosmic Log - This involves an Armadillo suborbital flight and the "Space Race 2012" contest at the Seattle Space Needle.
#SpaceApps Global Judging Open Now - open.NASA
Steven Colbert receives NSS award from Buzz Aldrin - Space for All
Video Contest: Why Explore Space? - NASA Watch