As you explore this new software package, we hope you’ll also take the Google Lunar X PRIZE tour. Simply download this file to your computer and open it the new Google Earth, and you’ll be whisked away on a tour of the lunar surface with X PRIZE Founder Peter Diamandis and with X PRIZE Trustee and second generation astronaut Richard Garriott. They will use the software to imagine what we’ll all be watching in the near future, projecting the preliminary designs published by our teams onto the lunar surface. This tour is a rough draft, and will be revised and updated as often as possible to give you the best information about this new race back to the Moon.
The Google Earth Blog is covering the overall release in detail:
More on Moon in Google Earth - ... Google put on a really slick media event here today. Having Buzz Aldrin, Andrew Chaiken, and Anousheh Ansari help promote the new Moon features was awesome. ...
Look at the Moon in Google Earth - Available Now!
What if the Eagle Landed on Earth? - pre-announcement
While we're at the Google Earth Blog, I'd like to point out the following contest news:
Links: Google Moon Monday, Tax Evasion, Panoramio Winners, Canada Wins - Here are the prize items extracted from that post:
Panoramioa winners - The May winners of the monthly Panoramio photo contest have been announced.
Canada Wins National Geographic Contest - In the world championship of National Geographic's geography contest, Canada came in first place. US was 2nd place, and Poland 3rd.
By the way, the picture for this post is one of the Panoramio contest honorable mentions.
@Pomerantz from the X PRIZE Foundation has a detailed stream of tweats on the Google Moon unveiling.
@SoldTheMoon (David Gump) - For Pittsburgh fans, Channels 2 and 4 will have features tonight on the third prototype of the lunar rover; Tribune-Review story hits tmw.
@Bob_Richards - Odyssey Moon is a proud member of the NextStepInSpace coalition for commercial spaceflight http://www.nextstepinspace.com
Some journeys change mankind forever. Louis Vuitton Moon Odyssey campaign by Odyssey Moon partner WPP http://bit.ly/EP9lP
@ARCAspace - GOOD NEWS: ARCA will launch the first Romanian object in space in September! http://www.arcaspace.com More info to come. :)
@interorbital - Comment on the 40th from Randa and others: http://bit.ly/HhEXn
@OmegaEnvoy - Today at 3pm @jasontweets will talk about the project then a live Q&A with FMARS crew at KSC Training Auditorium. #GLXP
@teamfrednet - The interview with our team on The Space Show is now available for download: http://bit.ly/qJ5vp #GLXP
@Regolith_Chal - Moonfest exceeded all expectations! @NLSI Stopped the traffic (literally). Booth was mobbed all day. Amazing demand for Lunar Exploration.
NewSpace 2009: Monday - Morning Session - Part 2 - RLV News - This includes the Google Lunar X PRIZE panel moderated by Nicole Jordan. Next Giant Leap, Synergy Moon, FREDNET, and Odyssey Moon were on the panel.
"Moon 2.0" Inspiring the Next Generation of Lunar Explorers - The Huffington Post (Larry Page and Peter Diamandis) - link from the X PRIZE Foundation news scroller:
We believe the time is ripe for private industry to assist in creating a new era of sustainable, international lunar exploration -- a "Moon 2.0." If the first version of mankind's journey to the Moon was about flags and footprints, Moon 2.0 is focused on a new standard of sustained participatory exploration and the expansion of new markets and economic opportunities. ... The Google Lunar X PRIZE is our solution to that problem.
Peter Diamandis: Key to Lunar Frontier in Private Hands - Space.com - ... the fact of the matter is private industry should be providing the transportation. NASA should be saying 'we'll pay $20 million per seat to orbit, and we will buy 200 seats a year.' ...