I was at the Heinlein Centennial 2 years ago. In addition to Heinlein's work, this event featured prizes and space businesses. I just got an email on the 2 year anniversary of that date (07/07/07). The email promoted the Heinlein Nexus.
Here's the first newsletter:
This newsletter, the first of what we hope will be many, commemorates three significant events: The 102nd anniversary of Robert Heinlein's birth, the 40th anniversary of humanity's first footstep on another world, and the public unveiling of Heinlein Nexus.
One of those subjects is, alas, gone — but his legacies remain with us and must be cherished.
The second subject is but the promise of a shining moment, unfulfilled four decades later. That must be corrected.
The third subject is about the future of both... and more. Welcome to the new worldwide Heinlein community!