Tuesday, July 15, 2008

6th Annual AUVSI Student UAS Competition

Here's the flyer for the 6th Annual Student UAS Competition. This is one of the unmanned vehicles competitions held by the AUVSI (Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International). This one is geared towards unmanned ocean-based aviation. I didn't see the results on the UAS Competition site, but I found the following:

First Prize, The Xawk X2-C - Team X-IPITER from Mississippi State University - This well-done site has everything about the winning team: their UAV and UAS, their paper, team members, pictures, press coverage, and more. Also check out the happy alumni news post.

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Team Places 2nd at AUVSI Competition - Utah State University College of Engineering - It looks like this was written on July 1, 2008 ... most of the results my search gets are from past years ... They won $8,000 out of a total $45,000 available this year.

Here's the OSAM-UAV-BFB (Open Source Autonomous Multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Build Fly and Beyond) Utah State University site.