Friday, January 16, 2009

Space Prize Roundup - January 16, 2009

There's just a quick link roundup today:

Latest Mock SpaceShipOne Soars Above Sponsor's Museum - (link from X PRIZE Foundation)

Pioneering tourist spaceship installed in museum - blog (link from X PRIZE Foundation)

Briefs: BonNova Lauryad video; CECE test video - RLV News

Teams on Twitter - The Launch Pad (on Google Lunar X PRIZE teams)

Name That Rover - NASA Watch - Deadline Nears for Student Contest to Name NASA's Next Mars Rover

Briefs: Pushing for British astronauts; UK space academy contest - HobbySpace -


35 fully funded places at Space School UK, a 6 or 8 day residential summer space school hosted by the University of Leicester can be won (25 places for students aged 16-18, 10 places for students aged 14-15). Space School UK includes lectures and workshops by some of the world’s leading space scientists. There’s also the chance to build and launch high-speed rockets, as well as to take part in telescope observing sessions, simulated space missions, SCUBA diving, flying in the Airkix vertical windtunnel and visiting the laboratories where Europe’s ExoMars rover is being built.

Here's the Space Academy Competition 2009 Flyer (PDF).

The 2009 Photonics West Exhibition - The Space Elevator Blog

Spaceward to appear at the Photonics West Exhibition - The Space Elevator Blog - Booth help or video mixing help is requested.