Meet the Team: Joe Grez - LaserMotive (Beam Power Challenge team)
Speed Up update - RLV News (Lunar Lander Challenge team)
Briefs: Space news comments; Unreasonable rocket design; Parabolic fun - RLV News - We're focusing on the Unreasonable Rocket (Lunar Lander Challenge team) part here.
"Lunacy" Unveiled to 42,000 High-School Students at 2009 FIRST Robotics Competition Game Kickoff - SpaceRef
Accelerating Innovation with Prize Rewards - History and Typology of Technology Prizes and a New Contest Design for Innovation in African Agriculture (PDF) - William A. Masters and Benoit Delbecq - This is a December 2008 discussion paper for the International Food Policy Research Institute.
- abstract
- other IFPRI discussion papers