Monday, April 06, 2009

Space Prize Roundup - April 6, 2009

Space access 09 - Unreasonable Rocket

SA'09: Mind the Space Gap; Unreasonable presentation - RLV News - The comments also include a picture of the Unreasonable Rocket at the conference.

UKAYRoC 2009 Winners - UKRA - United Kingdom Rocketry Association

ISEC needs you! - Space Elevator Blog - ... Several levels of membership are being offered, including standard, student and premium. Membership includes incentives, discounts and member-only activities at ISEC events such as the Space Elevator Conference and Space Elevator games. ...

Bangor Area Students Launch Rocket -

Prizes in Everything - Awkward Utopia - Mike Fabio from the Google Lunar X PRIZE appears in the comments.