Monday, October 05, 2009

A Dozen Lunar Lander Challenge Updates

Here are some recent updates on the Northrop Grumman Lunar Lander Challenge from RLV News/HobbySpace:

BonNova enters Lunar Lander Challenge competition

Unreasonable update (Testing Again...)

Unreasonable update (Driving Home Again...)

Xombie flies again

Masten Space test flights

Suborbital space transport will produce research bonanza - This isn't about the Challenge itself, but it's relevant to the teams interested in this market.

Unreasonable test report

Unreasonable tests

There's more news from other sources:

In its September 13 2009 post, TrueZer0 offers some criticism of the coverage of this year's Lunar Lander Challenge events.

Suborbital Research - Masten Space Systems comments on the suborbital research article linked on one of the above posts.

@wikkit - The Pauls (of #ngllc team @unrocket) stopped by. We showed our dead chamber, they showed us their dead gear, we all commiserated.

@ngllc09 - Masten's next attempt is in 2 days (10/7). Who's excited? #NGLLC