The biggest news over in our neck of the woods, though, was the announcement of a new competitor to the Google Lunar X PRIZE. Team SYNERGY MOON, which we wrote about earlier today, has proposed a pretty cool looking rover design, and we can't wait to see more from them. Check out the official press release, and then head over to their forum to wish them good luck.
From the press release:
The team, comprised of 48 members from 15 countries across the globe, is sponsored by eSpaceTickets.com, the world’s oldest space tourism contest organization. SYNERGY MOON has also partnered with rocket manufacturer Interorbital Systems (IOS), which competed in the historic 2004 ANSARI X PRIZE $10 MM Race to Space.
The SYNERGY MOON team was created through the collaboration of three interrelated organizations: InterPlanetary Ventures (IPV), a private sector space promoter; the Human Synergy Project (HSP), a multi-national sustainable projects group; and Interorbital Systems’ rocket team, led by Roderick Milliron.
As part of SYNERGY MOON’s efforts to raise awareness of their efforts and participation in the Google Lunar X PRIZE, they’ve organized a variety of global promotional events, including space-themed concerts, art festivals, space-related fashion shows, and breathtaking core technology demonstrations including rocket engine hot firings, suborbital and orbital hardware testflights, and ultimately their X PRIZE lunar missions.
To learn more about SYNERGY MOON’s sponsors and partner organizations, visit www.eSpaceTickets.com and www.interorbital.com.
synergy moon - brian's blog: astronaut for hire -
Back in late 2007, some members of Interplanetary Ventures approached me via Facebook and asked if I'd be interested in discussing options for their proposed lunar project. I agreed and ended up suggesting several possible science targets for the mission. Over time, the team designated me as Science Officer and is now calling me Principal Investigator. ... Another unofficial press release from a couple of weeks ago is available here.